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Everyday Rowena

I'm Rowena and I blog at Book Binge. I read lots of romance, YA and lately, NA. You'll find a lot of those on my shelves.


Merciless - Diana Palmer I've never read anything by Diana Palmer and I've been meaning to so when this book came up for review, I wanted to give it a go. It didn't take too long for me to read this book, it was easy to jump right in and that's exactly what I did.This book follows Jon Blackhawk as he finds himself falling for his secretary, Jocely Perry. She's a very capable secretary (administrative assistant if you prefer) but she's been going through some stuff lately, having to do with her son and so it's been getting in the way of her work schedule and Jon is starting to worry. It's not like Jocelyn to take the day off without calling him to let him know but when she does, Jon knows something is wrong.The thing about this book was that even though it wasn't hard for me to follow along with what was going on in the book, I never really connected with any of the characters in this book. It bummed me out because the story itself isn't a bad story but the characters were hard to connect with. The way that this story is told, it doesn't leave much for you to want to connect with. The story is told at you, not once did I feel like I was a part of the story.Far too many times while I was reading this book did I shake my head at one thing after another. The way Jon's Mom treated Jocelyn, with all of that hostility, the way that Jon forgives Jocelyn so fast after finding out the truth about Mark, the way that they all instantly became a family with no kind of well, anything. There was plenty of conflict but I didn't feel like any of the conflicts were actual conflicts because they were all written away so fast. It was like, the story was told in a, this happened and that happened and then they lived happily ever after. I kept reading the book, hoping that it would get better and it never really did.Everything happened, everything wrapped and then the story ended. I wanted more from this book. I wanted to connect with the characters, I wanted a little more groveling from everyone before everything wrapped up nice and tidy at the end. I never got that and my enjoyment of the book suffered because of it. When I closed the book, I felt like the book could have gotten better if I was more emotionally involved with the characters but because I wasn't, the book just turned out to be okay.