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Everyday Rowena

I'm Rowena and I blog at Book Binge. I read lots of romance, YA and lately, NA. You'll find a lot of those on my shelves.

The Boyfriend Game

The Boyfriend Game - Stephie Davis I got this book last week and was super excited to have gotten it because I had my eye on it as a gift for my niece Chaylene since I knew she would enjoy a book like this. Her birthday is in a couple of months and I am kind of bummed that now I gotta find another book to get her since she read this book but it's all good cause we're going to do a joint review on this one. This is also my YA read for the YA Reading Challenge so just thought I'd throw that one in there really quick.Before I get on with the description of this book, let me tell you about the series. This is the 5th book in the First Kisses series by various authors. It's kind of like one of those Harlequin lines for tweens done by Harper Teen authors, its a pretty neat series and I'm gonna be getting the rest of the series for Chaylene to enjoy. So just wanted to let you guys know. You can find the rest of the books below if you guys want to purchase this series for any of the tweens in your life that could use a couple of hours of entertainment.This book is about Trisha Perkins. She's a freshman on the JV soccer team at her school and she's got a shot at trying out to make it onto the Varsity soccer team. This is something that she wants above all else and because she knows that there are better players on her team that will probably get it, she decides to practice a lot harder because though those other girls are better than her, she's got more heart and she wants it more than they do so she's going to work her little butt off to get the spot.Enter Graham.Graham is a sophomore playing on the Varsity team and he's really good. He's also pretty dedicated to soccer just like her so they hit it off and they start practicing together in an effort to help Trisha's chances of making the Varsity team.There that's what the story is about, it's about Trisha and it's about soccer and it's such a cute little story that I just had to get that out.Let's rock and roll, Chay Chay.Me: So what did you think about the book?Chaylene: It was really, really good. It was so cute and all of my friends want to read it now because I told them all about it.Me: Okay, what did you like about it?Chaylene: I liked Trisha and how it was so obvious that she had a big old crush on Graham but she wouldn't admit it. Graham was like, so perfect for her too because they had a lot of things in common but mostly soccer. It made me want to play soccer again but I love volleyball so I don't know.Me: *scratches head* Okay. Well, was there anything you didn't like about the book?Chaylene: Yeah, sometimes I didn't like Trisha's friend...what was her name? The girl who got all jealous because that one boy liked Trisha and not her? That girl. She kind of got on my nerves but at the end of the book, she turned out okay.Me: *laughs* Alright, let's wrap this up Chay Chay because that way that you keep going on and on about Graham is the reason why your Mom won't let you read Twilight but anyway, would you recommend this book to anyone?Chaylene: Hello? Didn't you hear me? I told all of my friends to read this book because it was soooo good. So yes, everyone that's my age and maybe like Brenna and Cheridan's age, maybe, should read this book. It's really good.Me: Alright, be quiet and go to bed, I'll finish it up.My thoughts: What a cute book! I got this book for review and read it in one sitting. It's a really quick read but even though it was such a short book, I didn't feel like it missed anything. It packed a cute punch and the characters were fantastic, the storyline was great and I would definitely recommend this to anyone who is looking for a cute and fun read for your Middle School daughter/niece/cousin, whatever.Too cute!