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Everyday Rowena

I'm Rowena and I blog at Book Binge. I read lots of romance, YA and lately, NA. You'll find a lot of those on my shelves.

Life as a Poser - Beth Killian ...In this book, we follow Eva Cordes as she leaves her life in Massachusetts to come to the bright lights of Hollywood. She's come to live with her Aunt who is going to make her a star. She's running from her troubles at home and when she lands in L.A., her life takes on some drastic changes.Lots of new people and trying to weed out the fake from the real is about as easy as solving the world's problems and we see Eva go through some major hiccups on her journey to self discovery. I started off, not giving a damn about Eva because of her emails with her friend from back home, Jeff. She was such a liar and a fraud that I couldn't find it in myself to sympathize with her but over the course of the book, I started to like her.She's got some major issues with her family, this white boy wanna be rapper that won't leave her alone and then a roommate from hell who just so happens to be one of the IT girls in Hollywood. Seeing all of these things fix themselves (with a lot of help from her too) made for an interesting read. This book showed me just how different my 310 is from Eva's and I'm okay with that because in my 310, I know who my friends are and my family isn't afraid to claim me as one of their own and I'm glad for it. ..To read the full review, visit: http://thebookscoop.com.